
Our Process

At Coltman we work with you to prepare a plan that is relevant to your unique situation

1. Consultation

We start by getting to know you. What are the circumstances of your family life or business? What is your current financial position and what are your goals and aspirations for your financial future?


Together we will review the recommendations and agree on an action plan and responsibilities.

2. Analysis

From the information you provide us, we identify any issues or risks, quantify the financial impacts and work out the solution/s you need to minimise your risk exposure

5. Implement and maintain

This final step may involve co-ordinating with other professional advisers to ensure legal agreements, estate planning and structures are appropriate. It may also require us putting in place your insurance cover or managing changes to your existing cover. Once done, we then meet again annually to review your risk plan, ensuring it remains relevant to you.

3. Report

Your plan will explain how and why we have assessed the issues the way that we have. It will highlight any gaps we see in your current plan and make recommendations moving forward. It will enable you to understand the financial risks and give practical options either using your current resources or, if required, recommend an insurance plan.